Flame War Forum
What is a flame war, how to flame, and a forum that actively encourages flaming for the purpose of entertainment.
Flame Warriors
A typology of chatroom/bulletin board/newsgroup participants, with sketches.
Flame Wars and Other Online Arguments
Arguments frequently erupt online even when people are trying to have a fruitful conversation. This article examines the phenomenon.
Forum Culture
Detailed articles on the subject of flaming, trolling, and forum culture.
Guide to Flaming
Provides an explanation and introduction to the topic, as well as how to respond to, and deal with, flames.
How To Participate In An Internet Flame War
Although meant to be funny, this list has many classic flaming examples.
A Netizen's Guide to Flame Warriors
An illustrated guide to the many different types of flamers.
Read and rate some of the greatest flames ever written.
Wikipedia - Flame War
Article is about the Internet meaning of the word "flaming."
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