Van Oord Dredging and marine contractors. Construction of pipeline shore approaches and landfalls. Precision rock dumping to protect and stabilize underwater pipelines, crossings, and cables.
Vicksburg Marine International Repair of drilling rigs built by LeTourneau, Bethlehem, National Oilwell and Livingston. Based in Vicksburg, Mississippi.
Visi Image Develops and manufactures 3D laser scanners to obtain data for as-built facility drawings as well as complete 3D models of entire installations. Part of VisiTec group of Hitec Vision.
VisualSoft Software company specialising in digital video solutions for the offshore inspection industry. Includes product information.
Welaptega Marine, Ltd. A subsea engineering support firm specialising in marine imaging technologies for the offshore petroleum industry. The Digital Chain Measuring System uses digital imaging for remote inspection of offshore mooring chains.