Software for room acoustics prediction, auralization and studio sterio and surround reverberation. Software downloads, conference papers and a distributors listing.
INSUL Sound Insulation Prediction Software
A program for predicting the sound insulation of walls, floors, ceilings and windows. Website describes theoretical background for the estimates of the Transmission Loss (TL) and Weighted Sound Reduction Index (STC).
LMS International
Provides the testing systems, multidisciplinary virtual prototyping software, engineering services and collaborative engineering tools.
Navcon Engineering Network - Acoustical Software
Distributor for SoundPLAN - 3D noise propagation software - road, railroad, industrial, construction, amusement park noise modeling
Noise and vibration sharewares for excel
Microsoft Excel add-ins for a wide range of noise and vibration problems.
Sound Measurement Labo
Software and clips to demonstrate how to measure noise using your own computer with a number of concrete examples.
SoundPLAN Software
A modeling and presentation tool, that allow the user to visualize the effects of noise propagation throughout plants, factories, theme parks or along road and railroad lines.
Vibrant Technology Inc.
Develop post-test 32 bit windows tools that visualize, analyze and document the static, dynamic and acoustic behavior of machinery and structures.
VibroTek, Inc.
Development and support of complete software systems for condition monitoring, automatic diagnostics and long term forecast of the machine condition and rotor balancing. Russia.
Vold Solutions, Inc
Provide software solutions for the analysis of noise and vibration in rotating and reciprocating machinery.
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