Pan Emirates Engineering
Executive search firm providing oil and gas opportunities in Abu Dhabi.
PM Jobs
Contains job listings for oil gas and mining.
Power X
Provider of technical services to the power generation industry. Job listings include construction management, start-up, plant commissioning and operation personnel.
Free job site for the power industry. Includes Resume and job postings.
Site includes job listings and resume database.
ProEnergy Services
Staffing and value added contract labor services available. Includes job listings and contact information.
Ray Dauria Associates
Executive recruiting firm serving the power industry. Contains active search assignments.
REV 1 Power Staffing
Providing start-up, commissioning, training and related personnel services to the power industry around the globe.
Road Techs
Worldwide contract job listings for nuclear, petrochemical, fossil and offshore professionals. Contains employer listings, chat and resume posting.
Sanford Rose OC(Power Division)
Executive search firm serving power and utilities professionals. Includes job listings.
Saudi Aramco Job Opportunities
Offers petroleum and chemical engineering, onshore and offshore oil rig, drilling, and geoscience jobs in Saudi Arabia.
Tecmer, Inc.
Technical staffing services firm providing support to fossil, nuclear, and petrochemical industries. Includes contact information and company profile.
Staffing link between technical personnel and technical jobs. Includes job listings and job search agents.
TransGlobal Energy
Providing technical and engineer consultants for engineering, procurement, construction, startup, operations and maintenance of power and hydrocarbon facilities worldwide.
U S Meter Reading
Professional advice and mailing list, intended for the advancement of meter readers and their profession.
Utility Job Search
Employment listings from the utilities industry.
Utility Search Site
Contains worldwide utility job postings and resume database.
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