AnCore Strategies
Provides resume sourcing and related services as a cost-effective alternative to full service recruiting.
Armstrong Craven
UK based Executive Research firm with experience in healthcare, technology, consumer, industrial, financial and professional services.
Avature Sourcing Services
Provides offshore resume sourcing and screening services for Global 5000 businesses.
Bennett Research
Provides targeted executive recruitment research (sourcing)& candidate development exclusively to Insurance recruiters.
Blue Square
Located in New Dehli, India, we conduct Internet-based sourcing to locate resumes and passive candidates for the HR industry.
The Brentwood Group, Inc.
Providing customized, unbundled research and recruiting services, including identification, candidate development, competitive market research, to companies and executive search firms in all industries.
Candidate Express
Oregon-based sourcing firm finds, screens, and delivers employment candidates to hiring companies within 72 hours.
The Carlson Research Group
National consulting firm offering complete and cost effective recruitment research solutions for corporations and executive search firms.
The Continuum Group
Generalist researchers with a focus in telecommunications, medical devices, hospitals and pharmaceuticals.
Delphi International Corporate Research
Paris based international generalist research firm conducting research into Europe, USA and Middle East.
Executive Research - Europe
Belgium based generalist executive search researchers.
Executive research, U.K.
Small, UK based executive research firm focusing on life sciences, retail, FMCG, technology and telecommunications. Speaks English, Dutch, German and French and conducts pan-European and global research projects.
The Haystack Group
Provides recruitment research in Biotech, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices with particular expertise in "needle in a haystack" searches.
HTC Research Corp.
Provides name generation, profiling, and resume generation services to recruiters.
JobsAhead India
Manpower Sourcing from India through Resume Access and Job Posting. Providing online recruitment tools give access to largest resume database in India.
Professional Research Services, Inc.
Generalist sourcers with an emphasis in computer technology, manufacturing, engineering, medical and pharmaceutical. Detailed fee schedule on site.
Qualified Candidates - resume locating service
Locates recent/fresh resumes of QC professionals. A low cost alternative to traditional recruitment research.
The Reilly Research Group
Research firm offering unbundled recruitment services to search firms, consulting organizations, and end user companies.
Research2Recruit Inc.
Research2Recruit Inc. specializes in providing contact generation and candidate generation services.
Resume Rascals
Offers resume sourcing services, resume mining services and an Internet recruiting resource of prescreened resumes.
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