kuro5hin: Using of a Nickname and Websites Sued Because of Three Matching Letters
A boy in Belgium, Europe with the nick "zkboi" has been sued at June, 11, 2001 by Zurcher Kantonal Bank (ZKB) to pay up to 2000US$ and 250US$/day for using his nickname on the Internet. (September 25, 2001)
Register: Reuters Cybersquats on Man's Domain
Article about Reuters' refusal to relinquish reters.com to Mr. Stanley Reters. By Kieren McCarthy. (September 21, 2001)
kuro5hin: New York State Is Taking Away My Domain Name
New York State Fair disputes Scott Brady's NYSFair.com. (August 22, 2001)
CNN: New Group Formed to Resolve Domain Conflicts
A group of Internet top-level domain (TLD) holders have formed a nonprofit association to prevent what they fear will become a splintered Internet domain naming system. (May 21, 2001)
NewsBytes: WIPO Sends Message To AOL In ICQ Domain-Name Dispute
Petter Rindforth, an arbitrator assigned by WIPO's Arbitration and Mediation Center to handle the ICQPlus.org dispute, ruled this month that Russian programmer Vadim Eremeev of St. Petersburg can keep the domain because he doesn't charge for the popular software he promotes on a Web site at that address. By Steven Bonisteel. (February 27, 2001)
CNet: Judge approves domain name penalty on eReferee
In one of the broadest crackdowns ever issued against a domain name holder, a federal judge orders eReferee.com to stop using the word referee in all of its domain names. By Lisa M. Bowman. (February 16, 2001)
Washington Post: Clear Sailing For PortOfHelsinki.com In Domain Dispute
Six months after ruling that the Internet domain name Barcelona.com should be taken away from its current owners and handed to the Spanish city with the similar name, the UN's World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has taken a different stand in a dispute over an Internet address referring to the Port of Helsinki. By Steven Bonisteel. (February 14, 2001)
Register: Choc giant heavies 'kinder' charity
Ferrero wants to protect its brand in cyberspace, as Austrian kids' charity kinder.at recently discovered. Concerned that the organisation has taken the little-known German word kinder (children) as its domain name, Ferrero has run whining to WIPO. By Lester Haines. (December 27, 2000)
Who Owns Fandom
An article discussing the fate of fandom.tv. (December 13, 2000)
German radio station sues for journalist's .org domain. (January 4, 2000)
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