Open File Format Definition
Definition proposed and discussed on the Texas Open Source Initiative Mailing List, as part of an initiative to promote the use of such standards in government projects.
Open Source versus Open Standards
Draws a distinction between open source advocacies and the promotion of public standards, warning against the confusion of these two initiatives.
Open Standards
What is a standard, what is an open standard, and why use open standards on the Internet.
Open Standards: Principles and Practice
Illustrates the principles behind format standardization and the practice of promoting formats interoperability.
Open Standards Repository
Archive of standards relevant to the Open Source community, including licenses, public standards, protocols, RFCs.
Collaborative documentation projects on why use public standards and open formats and why avoid proprietary formats in data exchange.
A not-for-profit organization connecting people to open standards and the bodies that build and foster their growth.
Please don't send me Microsoft Word documents
A discussion of the problems of MSWord as a document exchange format and what alternatives are available. Suitable for a non-technical audience.
The Principles of Open Standards
Ken Krechmer analyzes the distinct issues behind advocacy for non-proprietary formats.
Sincere Choice
Intercommunication and file formats should follow standards that are sincerely open for all to implement, without royalty fees or discrimination.
Software Standards versus Protocol Standards
How open standards may help mitigate or prevent "customer lock-in" strategies.
Streaming media: A case for open standards
Benefits of the development of open specifications for audio and video formats. By Rich Mavrogeanes.
W3C Patent Policy
Governs the handling of patents in the process of producing Web standards. The goal of this policy is to assure that Recommendations produced under this policy can be implemented on a Royalty-Free (RF) basis.
We Can Put an End to Word Attachments
Richard Stallman's arguments against the use of proprietary formats in document exchange.
We Can Put an End to Word Attachments - A Discussion
Forum on Richard Stallman's document against file exchange in proprietary format.
Why Not Word!
Why not using Word, Excel or any other proprietary format to communicate.
Why There Are Not GIF Files on GNU Pages
Advocates against the use of image formats that are protected by patents. Presents a brief history of the GIF format as well as its open alternatives.
Business Case for Open Standards
Paper investigating economical issues related to the diffusion of public standards. (May 9, 2002)
Build Systems, Not Companies, on Open Standards
Without standards, every job is a one-off, and vendor lock-in is assured after the first project. Open standards are the beating heart of e-Business, without which concepts like intranets and business-to-business commerce would not be practical on a mass scale. (February 20, 2002)
Open Standards-The Only Option
Internet technologies and the economical challenge of open protocols. (May 1, 2001)
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