Object Test Suite
A test suite for the object element of HTML 4.0, using various media types.
Revised HTML documentation
General HTML tags, form processing, character map, image map, internal images, and a note on obsolete HTML features. Assumes a certain background in HTML.
Robin's HTML 4.0 Conformance Test
Test a browser's support for new HTML 4.0 elements.
Slacker's Guide to Internet Authoring
Information and tutorials on HTML, XHTML, CSS, DHTML, and JS; an HTML tag list, tips and tricks, and free downloads.
A web text generator. Loads simple text and converts it to html, as well as it is possible without human intervention.
VSNetCom Test Suite
A small HTML test suite. Requires registration.
WDVL - HTML Standards Compliance - Why Bother?
Issues surrounding HTML standards and validation. Reasons and ways for complying web pages with HTML standards.
The Web Developer's Resource - Webmonkey
HTML cheat sheet, special characters, colour codes, browser chart, stylesheets guide, etc. Resources for beginners and more advanced users.
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