Almost All Digital Electronics
Hobby kits, assembled units and software for electronics hobbyists, engineers and radio amateurs.
Electronic kits, tools, instruments, and free tutorials.
BA1404 Chips for Sale
Sells hard-to-find BA1404 chip for low-power FM broadcast band radio transmitter projects. Includes links to low-power FM broadcasting resources.
Burle Industries, Inc.
Manufacturer and supplier of specialized electron tubes and electro-optic products.
Cardwell Condenser Corporation
E.F. Johnson and Hammarlund air variable capacitors, inductors, and other electronic hardware.
DWM Communications
Radio kits, including a wide band active antenna, outdoor shortwave antennas, ham radio QRP transmitter, and an antenna tuner.
Electron Tubes for Industry
Vacuum (electron) tubes for audio, broadcast, ham radio, hobby, industrial, academic and scientific users.
Electronic Rainbow
Electronic kits for the hobbyist, education, industry, detective operations, and law enforcement. Includes CB sound, radio direction finder, and ham caller id kits.
ESKA Crystals
Supplier of quartz crystals, oscillators and filters, both discrete and SMD versions.
Amateur TV transmitters, receivers, and accessories for ham radio operators. List of dealers and distributors, online ordering.
Sells educational electronics hobby projects and kits.
International Radio
Crystal IF radio filters and performance enhancements for ham and shortwave radio products, also publications.
International Radio
Offers crystals and custom designed and after market crystal filters.
Jackson Harbor Press
Ham radio related kits and chips such as Morse code keyers.
Low Power Radio
Sells low power AM radio transmitters.
Electronic kits and components. From Australia.
NHRC Repeater Controllers
Repeater controllers and related accessories for amateur and land-mobile radios. Order by mail or phone.
North Country Radio
Kits, including transmitters and receivers. Technical articles and information on electronic subjects geared towards ham radio, shortwave and video projects.
N9TEW Tube Sales
Vacuum tubes for ham, audio and antique radio purposes.
Ocean State Electronics
New and hard to find electronic components, kits, test equipment, and accessories..
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