Automatic Systems Group
Manufacturer of technologically advanced parking and access control equipment.
Avon Barrier Company
Design, manufacture and install vehicle and pedestrian access control systems for parking barriers, road blockers, turnstiles, and car park barriers.
DKEE Co.Ltd.
Manufacturing parking control system for reusable card solution more than 500 times.
Federal APD
Manufacturer/supplier of parking control, access control, and automated parking equipment.
Hi-Tech Solutions
Offer systems to detect and read vehicle license plates for parking, access control, traffic surveillance, law enforcement and security applications.
Manufacturers of rising arm traffic barriers, swing and sliding gates, rising kerbs, turnstiles, height restrictors and manual barriers. Company profile, design and manufacture details and product brochure request form.
Parking Control Equipment
Eidam's supplies integrated parking control solutions. We specialize in design, installation and service of parking, revenue and access control equipment.
Parking Products Inc.
Parking, revenue, and access control equipment.
Parking Systems, Inc.
Makers of parking gates, computerized revenue systems, and custom made parking structures.
PTC Industries
manufactures parking control equipment including ticket issuing machines, parking and security gates, fee computers, and coin/token machines
Ticket Systems
Designers and manufacturers of all types of label ticketing and revenue control systems.
Winner Technology Co.Ltd.
Manufacture parking control and access control systems to collect parking fees, control vehicle's exits and entries with caution and speed.
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