LORIA - Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications
Boasting more than 150 researchers and around a hundred postgraduates, LORIA carries out its research along two broad themes: theories and techniques of software production (supplying methods, languages and tools which ensure the development and maintenance of dependable, efficient software), human/machine communication and artificial intelligence (the definition of new models leading to an increase in the ability of computers to reason and communicate with humans, and the testing of them in realistic environments)
LSV, Cachan
The Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification is the Computer Science laboratory of the École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, with about twenty researchers, PhD students and post-docs on the themes of specification and verification.
Maui High Performance Computing Center
Affiliated with the University of New Mexico. Training workshops and supercomputer documentation.
MCS at Argonne National Laboratory
Description of past and present research using supercomputers, abstracts of publications, and links to software being developed at the lab.
Mechanical Systems Services - Southwest Research Institute
Conducts research and applied engineering projects in a range of machine vision technologies.
Microsoft Research, Cambridge
Research into distributed systems, hardware, information retrieval and analysis, integrated systems, machine learning, networking, and security. Project information and publications.
Mississippi Center for Supercomputing Research
Provides high-performance computing support to the state-supported institutions of higher learning in Mississippi and the University of Mississippi Medical Center. Papers and description of computing resources.
MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
Research in a variety of areas in computer science. Description of research, publications, and news.
MultiMedia Laboratory (MML), University of Zurich
Research and advanced development work in multimedia-based information system design, application prototyping, and media management.
NASA Advanced Supercomputing Division
Research and development of high performance computing technologies, device modeling, nanotechnology, and scientific visualization. Information about research and publications.
The National Center for Supercomputing
Information about supercomputing applications and research in the United States.
NIST Information Technology Laboratory
Describes programs and projects at the NIST Information Technology Laboratory, which supports the information technology industry with measurements, standards, and research.
NSF Science and Technology Center
A collaboration of five universities researches scientific visualization. Information about the group and educational opportunities.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Computer Science and Mathematics Division.
Applied research in high performance computing, applied mathematics, and intelligent systems. Research and publication abstracts.
OFFIS Research Institute
Oldenberg, Germany. Research and development in embedded systems, healthcare information and communication systems.
Ontario Research Center for Computer Algebra
Researchers at ORCCA study algorithms and software systems for symbolic mathematical computation. At any given time a number of visitors and postdocs are hosted.
Ohio Supercomputer Center. Innovations in computing, networking, and education.
The Paradigm Group
Research in parallel computing with applications to geographic/spatial information systems. Projects and bibliography of papers.
Institute for Informatics, University of Bergen, Norway. Description of computing facilities.
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center. Research, educational outreach, and supercomputing news.
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