Blair, Michael R.
MIT - Dynamically adaptive profile-guided specialization, partial evaluation, program analysis, compilation, type theory, subtyping.
Blelloch, Guy
Carnegie Mellon - Thread scheduling, parallel algorithms, NESL, provably efficient language implementations, multiprocessor garbage collection.
Blum, Manuel
University of California, Berkeley - Theoretical computer science, graph theory, cryptography
Boggess, Gene
Mississippi State University - Cognitive science, neural networks, computational linguistics, genetic algorithms.
Böhlen, Michael
Aalborg University - Temporal databases, deductive databases, and data warehousing.
Bohner, Shawn
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - Software engineering
Boisvert, Ronald F.
NIST - Numerical solution of partial differential equations, mathematical software, and information services that support computational science.
Borning, Alan
University of Washington - Human-computer interaction, constraint-based languages and systems, and land use, transportation, and environmental modeling.
Bowen, Jonathan
London South Bank University - Formal methods, history of computing, online museums.
Bradfield, Julian
University of Edinburgh - Verification using temporal logics, computer-aided verification of potentially infinite systems, logics for true concurrency.
Brajnik, Giorgio
University of Udine - Human-computer interfaces for information access, knowledge representation and reasoning about dynamical systems.
Brandt, Felix
Stanford University, California. Multiagent systems, preference aggregation, auctions, voting, cryptographic protocols, mechanism design, artificial intelligence, and game theory.
Brankovic, Ljiljana
University of Newcastle - Security of statistical databases.
Breugel, Franck van
York University, Ontario - Concurrent programming languages, semantics, specification languages.
Bridges, Susan
Mississippi State University - Expert systems, knowledge discovery in databases, intelligent interfaces.
Brill, Eric
Johns Hopkins University - Empirical natural language processing, speech recognition, spoken language systems, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Lexical disambiguation, parsing, classifier combination, spelling correction, language modelling.
Briot, Jean-Pierre
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris - Object-oriented programming, concurrency/parallelism, distributed programming, flexible and adaptive programs, meta-programming and reflection, artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems, software agents, mobile agents, artificial life, computer music.
Briscoe, Ted
University of Cambridge - Speech and language processing, computational linguistics.
Bruce, Kim B.
Williams College - Semantics and design of programming languages, type theory, object-oriented languages, models of higher-order lambda calculus including subtypes and bounded polymorphism.
Bryant, Barrett R.
University of Alabama at Birmingham - Programming languages, compiler design, formal semantics, object-oriented technology.
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