high performance distributed computing.
Indiana University Computer Science high performance distributed computing and grid computing lab.
Horus Project
Reliable distributed computing research in Cornell University computer science department. Has information on Ensemble, a publicly distributed toolkit based on Horus research.
IBM Massively Distributed Systems Group
Research group at IBM's T. J. Watson Research Center; research focuses include mobile agents, system security, and information economies.
Illinois Systems Research Group
Research focuses include distributed operating systems, middleware, and agent-based computing.
Imperial College (U. London) Distributed Software Engineering Group
Research focus includes software development process and support for real-time distributed systems.
The Lee Center for Advanced Networking
Research center at Caltech, supporting development of a global-scale wireless distributed computing system that connects people and appliances.
MIT Parallel & Distributed Operating Systems Group
This group's focus is to build and investigate software systems for parallel and distributed environments. They have conducted research in operating systems, networking, mobile computing, language design, compiler design, and architecture, taking a pragmatic approach: "we build high-performance, reliable, and working systems."
MIT Theory of Distributed Systems Group
MIT's Theory of Distributed Systems (TDS) research group works on a wide range of problems involving distributed and real-time systems. The work has a theoretical flavor, but is closely tied to practice. Roughly speaking, the research can be classified into: Formal Modeling and Verification, Algorithms, Data Structures and Lower Bounds, and Applications.
Modelling Concurrent Systems Group
At RWTH Aachen. Projects, bibliography and some on-line articles.
MTA SZTAKI Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems
Computer and Automation Research Institute Research and consultation focusing on parallel and distributed software engineering. Affiliated with Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest.
Multiscale Computing Laboratory at the OSU Department of Biomedical Informatics
University-affiliated research group that develops software to support data queries, filtering, and management of large, distributed, heterogeneous, scientific datasets or databases in a Grid or cluster computing environment.
ORNL Distributed Computing Project
Oak Ridge National Lab has developed a world-wide reputation for its parallel and distributed computing research.
The Panic Lab Homepage
The focus of our group is on Pervasive, Available, No-futs, Internet Computing (PANIC). Information and an archive of collected papers.
SRI Secure Systems Research
Research focus on authentication and secure collaboration in networked systems. Part of SRI International's Computer Science Laboratory.
Stanford University Distributed Systems Group
Special focuses include high-performance networking and distributed operating systems.
UCSD/UIUC Concurrent Systems Architecture Group
Research group in the Universities of Illinois and California San Diego that focuses on hardware and software architecture issues in parallel and distributed computer systems.
University of Cambridge
Computer Laboratory Systems Research Group is the largest research area in the Computer Laboratory covering hardware, communications hardware and software, operating systems and distributed systems.
University of Illinois Open Systems Laboratory
The goal of the Illinois Open Systems Laboratory is to develop mechanisms to simplify the development of scalable parallel, distributed and mobile computing systems.
University of Newcastle Distributed Systems Research
Research focus includes distributed operating systems and distributed system management. Projects include Arjuna and Voltan.
University of Texas Distributed Multimedia Computing Lab
Research focus includes file systems, media transmission protocols, and operating system support for multimedia networking.
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