University of Toronto
Database Group. Research areas include query processing, indexing, genetic data management, data mining and internet-based information systems.
University of Twente
Database research group of the University of Twente is active in the areas of XML, multimedia, and Information Retrieval.
University of Washington
Database Research Group. Areas of focus include database techniques for the web and the management of heterogeneous and semistructured data, and theoretical issues relating to complexity and query containment.
University of Waterloo
Database Research Group. Research areas: traditional relational database systems, as well as systems for complex objects, geometric data, text, and real-time data.
University of Zurich: The Database Technology Group
The activities of the Database Technology Group include research and education in database technology and related areas.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Research group focussing on research issues and project work related to very large database and information systems
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