AOA Forums
An overclocking website and forum which contains file downloads and an EPoX technician.
Overclocking news and reviews.
Computers and overclocking guide.
EnTech Taiwan
Company which develops the PowerStrip overclocking utility, supporting most video cards. Also other performance-enhancing utilities
General computer hardware news and Overclocking page complete with information on varying degrees of cooling for overclocked video cards, CPUs, motherboards and other system hardware.
Up-to-date video card and general hardware news and reviews, along with overclocking of Voodoo3, Voodoo5, Geforce256, Geforce2 and other video cards.
OverClocked Inside
Overclocking help.
Continuously updated with hardware, CPU's and overclocking.
Ultimate Upgrade Guide - Video Card Accelerator, Graphics Adapter, or Video Display Adapter. Explains the differences between LCD and CRT technology, and explains the benefits of a faster video card.
Tom's Hardware Guide
General hardware news,as well as reviews and benchmarks of the latest 3D graphics adapters, examining also overclocking of the Voodoo3, Voodoo5, Geforce256, Geforce2, Savage4 and other graphics chipsets.
Unofficial ATI Rage 128 FAQ
Describes how to get the most from and ATI Rage 128 video card, including tweaks, overclocking tips and beta drivers.
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