Embellish Design
Designer of bibs, blankets trimmed with vintage satin, linen wraps, and baby booties. Certain articles are available in limited quantities.
Funkidry Towels
Supplying a broad range of childrens sports, hooded, character and collared towels as well as swimming accessories.
Granny's Traditions
Crochet baby bibs in a variety of designs.
Hill St Baby
Products for babies and toddlers including toddler towels, out'n'about blankets, hats and bibs.
Isabubu Designs
Personalized burp cloths and towel bibs decorated with ribbons and embroidered names. Special requests considered.
jenni heart creations
Features handmade bibs, burp cloths, blankets, buddy pillows and quilts.
Kid Ponchos.com
Offering hooded bath towels, with animal heads. Choose from cats, cows, or pigs.
La Babee
Custom made bibs, burpies, onesies and blankets.
Custom made bibs, burp cloths, and blankets, including embroidered graphics and names.
Let Babies Soar
Head to toe baby bibs that protect clothing and floor from food.
Lilypad Baby
Includes reversible bibs, burp cloths, blankets, and gift sets that can be personalized.
Little Maries
Product range includes bibs, burp cloths, blankets, tees, pants and gift sets.
Maisey Mae
Personalized, embroidered burp cloths.
The Original Hoods
Handmade hooded towels made to resemble dinosaurs, bears, rabbits and super heroes.
Polliwog Kids
Provider of hooded towels in ducks, bunnies and frogs. Also offers full-sized towels, baby burp cloths and bibs.
Sea Haven Towels
Personalized hooded bath towel gift sets for babies, children and dolls. Custom made on Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
Spoiled Rotten Designs
Products include baby bibs, burpcloths, laminated bibs and minky chenille lovies. Orders taken via phone or e-mail.
Tiny Paws Baby Wear
Offers hand made accessories such as a sleep sac, blankets, towels, bibs and shopping cart covers.
The Toddler Towel
Handmade, customized hooded towels with decorative ribbon edges.
Toddler Wraps
Large selection of handmade hooded towels, baby blankets, and bibs.
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