British Plastics & Rubber
Offers listings of UK companies, supplying machinery and materials to polymer processors. Technical and industry links, industry news, conferences and exhibitions.
Directory of resources for screws and barrels used in the plastic injection molding and extrusion industry. Product listings, education and training, and product news .
Claims 10,000 Italian plastic industry firms with profiles distinguishing producers and distributors. Search by company, product or service, or browse for profiles including product type, address, phone, and fax.
Plastics Planet
Offers database posting and searching by region, resin, market, material, machinery and equipment. Including classified ads; raw materials, molds and processors data.
Plastics Start4all
Categorised directory of manufacturers, recyclers and suppliers in the global plastics industry. Also, associations, trade events and equipment., Inc.
Plastics reference site, including supplier data and information.
Lists 600+ plastics manufacturers plus additional suppliers. Search by supplier, service, process, or region for company profiles containing web link, products, processes, services, end-users, and distribution area.
Polyester Universe
Directory for the polyester manufacturing industry. Links to research, educational and manufacturing sites.
Polymer Web
Interactive database of plastics processors, moldmakers, and resin and equipment suppliers. It allows users to search for company profiles or directly post their profile.
News, prices, directory of plastics and general information on the Indian and international polymer markets.
Rubber Information Network
Directory of Japanese rubber processing companies with web sites in the English language.
SPI Directory and Buyers' Guide
Database of 2,000 companies (over 700 plastic manufacturers) searchable by company name, product, process, location, and industry segment. Provides address, phone, fax, contact names, and titles. From the Society for the Plastics Industry.
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