Swan Hill Chemicals
Distributor of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, plant growth regulants and adjuvants. Includes company profile, product list, and contact information.
Trace Chemicals LLC
Offers a wide array of products to aid farmers in raising healthy crops, whether it be corn, cotton, soybeans, or small grains.
Turf Formula
Used in seeding, sprigging, and sodding turf grass. It is a product of Agri-Gro Marketing, Inc.
Uniroyal Chemical
Specializes in chemicals and polymers, including rubber processing, plastics, crop protection, petroleum, petrochemical, adhesives/sealants, and paints/coatings.
A US manufacturer of agro-chemicals.
Vasumitra Bioteks
Manufacturer of ecologically sustainable agricultural products. Includes product catalogue, application details, and contact information.
Manufacturer of Natural Humate, conventional, and organic fertilizers.
Vitech Industries, Inc.
Soil, plant nutrition, and Bioremediation products.
Dedicated to the worldwide trade of chemical, organic and mineral products as well as raw materials for agricultural purposes.
Westbridge Agricultural Products
Manufactures plant growth regulators, organic fertilizers, plant and turf nutrients, and odor control products.
Woodburn Fertilizer Inc.
Provider of premixed and custom blended fertilizer mixes. Includes profile, product information, and news.
Zagro Asia Ltd.
Manufacturer and distributor of healthcare products for livestock, poultry, aquatic animals and crops. Provides consultancy, product registration and scientific services.
Zhejiang Changxing No.1 Chemical Co., Ltd.
Manufacturer of triazine herbicides and agrochemicals.
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