Templates for disaster recovery plans, security manuals, and IT service management.
iXP Corp
Describes assurance and systems integration services provided for availability, reliability and security within systems and communication technology environments.
Locally and remotely access and control servers in your data center or remote office.
Message 911
Interactive voice messaging solutions for emergency notification.
Paragon Technical Services
Provides customized security, environmental and emergency management inspection and oversight services to private and governmental clients.
Book gives introduction to the emerging PAS56 business continuity standard.
Offers a facility to store, update, organize, and exercise a business continuity and crisis plan.
Post Trauma Resources
Provides trauma response services after personal, duty and work-related disaster.
Provides a complete office environment with desks, telephones and PCs ready for use within a few hours in the event of a customer suffering a disaster that makes their own offices unavailable.
Risk management and business continuity solutions for computer, telecommunications and other critical operations
Specialists in radiation protection services for security applications and the business sector, including radiation detectors, training/information and emergency planning.
Recovery Chronicles
Online library of business continuity planning and disaster recovery articles, case studies, and news taken from the archive of Strohl Systems' newsletter.
Resilience UK
Information and advice on Business resilience management and planning. Includes associated information on Civil Contingencies Bill 2004 and business drivers.
Risky Thinking
Articles on Risk Analysis and Business Risk Management.
911 Security
Offering a network of emergency responders to act as a clearing house during large-scale disasters to meet the emergency response needs of large corporations and government agencies.
Information on disaster recovery and business continuity training and membership.
TeleMinder Emergency Notification
Disaster recovery, business continuity, and staff notification via telephone, fax, e-mail, or SMS.
Continuous application availability solutions for business continuity, disaster recovery and continuous backup for uninterrupted server access.
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