ParliPro Professional Registered Parliamentarian Consulting A professional parliamentarian can help with more effective and efficient meetings by assisting the chairman and members with Robert's Rules of Order and parliamentary procedure.
Paul McClintock Professional Registered Parliamentarian in Seattle area; help with bylaws, presiding, meeting scripts, with tips and samples.
Ronald J. Baser (MEd) A member of NAP and AIP who offers seminars and workshops in meeting management. Former marketing and sales director with managerial experience in business and civic organizations.
S. Clayton Callaway, Jr. M.D. A Professional Registered Parliamentarian who provides educational programs and classes. He also serves as a consultant for individuals, boards, and organizations in matters of protocal and procedure.
Schilansky and Binnall Parliamentarians Certified Professional Parliamentarians-Teachers and Professional Registered Parliamentarians, Mark Schilansky and Jesse Binnall provide a full range of parliamentary services to organizations all over North America.