Elbury Enterprises
Garry Hunt, international businessman, scientist, TV and radio broadcaster and author available to speak, chair, and facilitate events. Based in Great Britain.
Farmer Joe Peck
Entertains audiences with a combination of enlightened inspiration, homespun yarns and stand-up comedy drawn from a lifetime of farm experience.
Floyd Wickman
Speaks on how to become, stay and feel successful in today's changing industry.
Frances Edmonds
After dinner speaking, author, and broadcaster. Based in UK.
Frank C. Bucaro and Associates
Public speaking on ethics and values.
Frank Romano
Worldwide experience delivering results our clients seek, through original design and creative facilitation of professional presentations & training programs. Leading edge information, as delivered to our international clients.
Future Focus
Information on keynote speeches as well as full and half day seminars and training.
Gail Schoettler
Professional speaker and columnist, Gail Schoettler speaks and consults on managing the politics of globalization, political strategies for business and women's issues.
The Gallo Institute
The authors of Silver Spoon Kids: How Successful Families Raise Responsible Children offer workshops for families and corporations.
Gary Montgomery
Motivational speaker Gary Montgomery speaks, conducts seminars and presents his unique message to youth in a variety of settings.
Gavin Jerome
Comic, speaker and teacher of Comedy College.
Geoff Tumlin Seminars
Delivers workshops and seminars for professional and personal enrichment on topics such as communication, leadership, and customer service.
George Hedley
One of the top professional business and construction speakers in the U.S., owner of $100 million dollar company, George Hedley presents business building programs to help you grow your leaders, profits and customers.
Glen Knight
Professional speaking information web site. Speaker, Trainer, Seminar
Gloria Jean
Author and motivational speaker shares her spiritual insights and business success secrets learned from being a woman entrepreneur, cancer survivor, and the founder of Gloria Jean Gourmet Coffee.
Graham Harvey
Professional speaker, vision coach, and marketing futurist.
Heidi Richards
Professional speaker and business coach also providing marketing tips through books and seminars.
Howard Robbins
Toastmaster for weddings, bar mitzvahs and corporate events.
The Human TuneUp
Cath Kachur offering workshops, seminars, speeches, products and gifts for less-stress, communication skills, change and intuition.
Humor for your Health
Speaker, educator, coach and comedian Dan Gascon.
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