Confusion Over SCSI Standards
Written by Alfred Poor from the 5/5/98 issue of PC Magazine.
From the A32 Article Archives
The mysteries of various SCSI bus configurations or SCSI-1,-2, -3 ? by Howard McKinney of A32.
HardwareCentrals SCSI Tutorial
Introduction, SCSI evolution, SCSI standards, termination, configuration and tips.
How to Get T10 Draft Standards and other Publications
Approved American National Standards and Technical Reports may be purchased ANSI or from Global Engineering Documents. List of available documents and designated numbers.
Introduction to the SCSI Series
ENDL Publications supplies books which are designed for engineers, programmers and application support personnel who work with SCSI.
New SCSI Standard Kicks Bus
With processor clock speeds increasing by leaps and bounds, storage subsystems may be left gasping for breath. A new SCSI standard promises the kind of throughput necessary to keep up with the fastest new CPUs, by Michael Zulich.
SCSI Association Ratifies Ultra3 Spec
By Joseph F. Kovar, Computer Reseller News, Sept. 98.
SCSI Buses - An Introduction to SCSI Technology
Article was written by Ron Savage.
SCSI Still Kicking in Bus Battle
By Sonia R. Lelii, of PC Week Onlines, October 18, 1999 issue.
The SCSI Trade Association
Promoting increased understanding and use, to serve as a central distribution source for information and to guiding the growth and evolution of this standard into the future.
U-Geek News
Ultra3 SCSI is ratified.
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