A.K. Music and Talent Agency
Featuring video clips of live performances by bands and musicians for exposure and bookings. Also includes company and submission information.
Art Attack Promotions
Full service music and entertainment marketing and publicity company specializing in online artist promotions, grass-roots marketing, Street Team product distribution, E-Teams, internet publicity, "demo-geo" targeted email campaigns and data harvesting.
A solution created specifically for performing artists and management agencies. Combines a custom-designed website with an online control center that allows manage the content.
Online music management company: site includes information about offered services, and application.
The Band Universe
Provides a presence on the Internet for bands, groups, and other musical artists. Includes prices and application form.
Online tools for artists, bands, musicians and band managers to manage their websites, gigs, mailing lists and music.
Barking Frog Music Group
Virtual venue showcase for songwriters and performers.
Showcase and promotion services for musicians and songwriters. Includes application and company information.
Bloomline.Net is a federative non-profit organization promoting independent artists on the internet.
Offers various services include distribution to other MP3 based music sites, electronic transmit of their songs, industry and peer based reviews, and a personalized home page.
The Buzz Plant
The Buzz Plant is an internet related promotions and marketing company for the music industry. Site details our focus on one-to-one marketing and database marketing.
CanEHdian.com: Music Promotion
Opportunities for bands and artists include banner/button advertising, artist profiles and professional album reviews.
Cansis Music Connection
Site dedicated to helping the unsigned artist. Site works in association with several record labels. Signs Songwriters,producers,and song artists.
Club Singer UK
A site for the non-professional singer/band to be promoted and a place to list venues and appearance, forthcoming events. To spotlight individual talent and give artists a venue to promote their music.
They publish the works of contemporary composers free of charge on the web and will send them at cost to musicians and all of those interested.
Country Music Planet.
Entertainment company, specializing in the grooming and developing of independent country music entertainers in the recording industry. Features links and resources.
C.S. Ott Design
Offers promotional services including press kits and websites to musicians at any level. Located in Baltimore, USA.
A website for bands and musicians. Bands can post links to their website/email, picture and upcoming shows. Also has classified ads for musicians wanted/needed.
Web hosting services for songwriters that want put their demo online. Includes prices and samples.
Digital Music Marketing
Specializes in the promotion, sales and advertising of digital music on the web.
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