Agent building software and related information
Discover all the different web agents and bots, the download center and much more information on the world of software agents.
Consortium of European universities doing research in agent-based computing. Links to courses, events, projects, and people.
AgentNews Webletter
Newsletter on workshops, and software.
Agent-Oriented Design of Control Systems
Research at the University of Twente (Netherlands) on the usage of autonomous agents for developing control systems.
ALife and Adaptive Information Agents
ALife model applied to retrieving information from a large, distributed collection of documents such as the WWW.
BDL Agents Simulator
Based on popular games, the aim is to simulate a world of autonomous agents. The goal of the players is then to program agents or parameter meta-simulators, and then watch them evolve.
Bot Spot
Information on intelligent software agents and links to sites on specific agents.
Links to bot software: shopping bots, and chatter bots, for sale or free.
CEO's Guide to eCommerce
Discussion of eCommerce using intelligent agents and business objects.
Spreadsheet-based agents with a neural network-like architecture. With databases generated by the bots.
Economic Theory, Anticipatory Systems and Artificial Adaptive Agents
Article proposing an artificial intelligence approach to simulation in economics based on a multiagent system, based on Holland's classifier systems and genetic algorithms.
How Economists Can Get Alife
Introductory article on artificial life and agent-based computational economics.
Adaptive retrieval agents choosing heuristic neighborhoods for information discovery.
BullsEye is agent-driven software for finding information by scanning search engines, databases, and shopping sites.
MIT Software Agents Group
Research group at the MIT Media Lab developing techniques and building prototype agent systems.
MultiAgent Systems
Industrial and research information about multi-agent systems design, implementation, theory, and applications.
Socially Intelligent Agents
Meetings, publications and resources.
Swarm Development Group
An organization dedicated to development of the multi-agent based Swarm simulation system and support to its users.
Talking Heads
An interactive online experiment using mobile robotic agents. Artificial language and society emergence.
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