Captain Cyborg promises never to fake an orgasm again
Story in The Register. By Andrew Thomas. (October 5, 2000)
Guardian Unlimited
Passnotes number 1709. (September 29, 2000)
Warwick: Cyborg or Media Doll?
Story in culture section of Wired News. By Leander Kahney. (September 13, 2000)
Put that chip where the sun don't shine
Soon you can have a tracking microprocessor implanted in your body. Is this a great technological breakthrough or Big Brother's last laugh? Story in the technology section of By Katharine Mieszkowski. (September 7, 2000)
Waking up to Warwick: is the media-obsessed fantasist on the way out?
Story in The Register. By Kieren McCarthy. (September 6, 2000)
Oh no! Here comes Captain Cyborg again
Story in The Register. By Kieren McCarthy. (August 14, 2000)
I want to be a cyborg
Story in Guardian Unlimited. By Kevin Warwick. (January 26, 2000)
Professor cyborg
If we want to stop machines from taking over, we better start becoming more like them. Story in the technology section of By Janelle Brown. (October 20, 1999)
Companies Want Biochip Implants To Control And Monitor Employee Performance
By Steve Bevan of the Sunday Times. (May 11, 1999)
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