Natural Language FAQs
Selected FAQ lists from Usenet groups related to natural language processing.
The Natural Language Software Registry
A "concise summary of the capabilities and sources of language processing software available to researchers. It comprises academic, commercial and proprietary software with theory, specifications and terms on which it can be acquired clearly indicated."
Corporation developing natural language technology solutions for global business. Includes corporate information, some online demos and catalog of services.
References on Zipf's Law
An academic bibliography on this relation between a word's frequency in a text and its place in a ranking of words by frequency. Includes some online texts.
"String Searching Algorithms" Book
String Searching Algorithms: exact / approximate string matching, edit distances, common sequences, longest repetitions.
SULTRY: The Sydney University Language Technology Research Laboratory
An institute which applies natural language processing research to problems of human-computer interaction. Selected publications, academic information, and descriptions of current projects.
Survey of the State of the Art in Human Language Technology
A 1996 high-level review of: spoken/written input, analysis and understanding, generation, speech output, discourse and dialogue, document processing, multiple languages and modes, transmission and storage, mathematical methods, other resources, how to evalate an NLP program.
Teaching materials for statistical NLP
Centered around Eugene Charniak's book "Statistical Language Learning", this page features a book review, some notes, sample solutions to exercises in the book, and a small corpus with which to experiment.
Mobile translation system for the translation of spontaneous speech in face-to-face situations.
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