An AI Learning System
A description of an AI system, with a demonstration program and Delphi sourcecode.
ANNI - Artificial Neural Network Investing
Commercial Securities Modeler that uses artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms for customizable prediction
Takes a database of cases described by a combination of real and discrete valued attributes, and automatically finds the natural classes in that data. It can be seen as a Naive Bayes classifier where the class node is hidden. [Free]
A library of C++ classes for Bayesian filtering. From the Australian Centre for Field Robotics. [C++, MIT license]
Bayes Net Toolbox for Matlab
Supports several inference algorithms and learning algorithms. Allows simulation of static and dynamic networks, including HMMs, IOHMMs, and Kalman filters.
Bayesian Essay Test Scoring System (BETSY)
A freeware windows-based program that classifies text based on trained material. Designed for automated essay scoring, BETSY can be applied to any text classification task.
The Bow Toolkit
A library of C code useful for writing statistical text analysis, language modeling and information retrieval programs. The current distribution includes the library, as well as front-ends for document classification (rainbow), document retrieval (arrow) and document clustering (crossbow). [Free]
C4.5 and FOIL
Home page of R. Quinlan. FTP links to FOIL (inductive logic programming) and C4.5 (learning decision trees).
The CHILL Empirical Parser Acquisition System
A general approach to the problem of inducing natural language parsers. It uses an annotated corpus, and produces a parser by using ILP for inducing the rules that control the actions of a shift-reduce parser. [Free]
Classification Toolbox for MATLAB
A site by Elad Yom-Tov, co-author of the toolbox, that contains additions and updates to the toolbox, as well as a discussion board
EM algorithm for Mixture models
Shotaro Akaho's implementation of EM algorithm for modeling Mixtures of Gaussians (Java, free). An extended version is available from the author.
Experience-Based Language Acquisition
Computational model of human language acquisition written in Java; currently acquires a protolanguage of nouns and verbs language based on visual perception
Generates Gaussian mixture models for large datasets using efficient EM clustering algorithms. [Free]
GNU Hidden Markov Model Library
Hidden Markov Models software library from the Center of Applied Informatics, Cologne. Includes algorithms such as Viterbi, Baum-Welch, and Forward-Backward. [C, GPL license]
HMM and other statistical programs
On this page an imlementation of Hidden Markov Models and an application to part-of-speech tagging. Also available a multivariate hypothesis testing software for Gaussian Data and TRUEVIZ: A groundtruth/metadata Editing and Visualizing Toolkit for OCR.
Sean Eddy's lab, present profile hidden Markov models for biological sequence analysis, a tool used to build HMMs from multiple alignments, and calculate e-scores.
Incremental Decision Tree Induction
An algorithm that incrementally constructs decision trees from labeled examples. [Free for individual research purposes]
libbpfl - Bayesian Probability Filtering Library
A general purpose library for Bayesian filtering. [C++, LGPL license]
LNKnet Pattern Classification Software
A software package developed at MIT Lincoln Laboratory which integrates more than 20 neural network, statistical, and machine learning classification, clustering, and feature selection algorithms into a modular software package. [Public domain license]
Machine Learning Packages from the CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
Links to FTP repositories including ACCEL, CLASSWEB, FOCL, FOIL, GOLEM, INDEX, MILES, MOBAL, OC1, Occamn, PEBLS, RWM.
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