Bibliography on Genetic Algrorithms
Genetic algorithm citations starting with ICGA and FOGA. Part of the Computer Science Bibliography Collection at the Universitat Karlsruhe in Germany.
The Biological Concept of Neoteny in Evolutionary Colour Segmentation
Genetic Algorithm to simulate neoteny, the retention by an organism of juvenile or even larval traits into later life.
Cell Matrix Corporation
Publications describe an application of their computer architecture to genetic algorithms. Software includes an online circuit simulator.
Crystal Ball Pro
A global optimization and risk analysis software tool. Uses a unique combination of genetic algorithms and neural networks.
A compendium of 631 files on the art of evolutionary computation aimed at beginners in the field but useful as a reference to advanced programmers.
Evolutionary Design of Neural Architectures
Information, bibliography and resources on evolutionary synthesis of neuromorphic systems. Maintained by the Artificial Intelligence Research Group at Iowa State University.
A Java evolutionary computation framework. It includes a visual designer, source code editor and debugger and aims to provide a toolkit for easy implementation of all kinds of evolutionary algorithms.
Financial Genetic Programming
Genetic programmed financial algorithms that use technical analysis indicators to create new stock investing tactics.
Franck Binard's Evolutionary Computing Examples
Examples of genetic programs in Perl and C++. Includes examples using the Google API to evolve strings as well as an ant evolver.
GA Playground
A general GA toolkit implemented in Java, for experimenting with genetic algorithms and handling optimization problems. Source code is available.
A C++ library of genetic algorithm components. The library includes tools for using genetic algorithms to do optimization in any C++ program using any representation and genetic operators.
Michigan State University Genetic Algorithms Research and Applications Group.
An advanced dedicated genetic algorithms search engine. The "Spider" indexes only GA related sites.
A Java software system for evolving walking techniques in artificial skeletons using genetic algorithms.
GECCO 2001
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2001, July 7-11: Holiday Inn in San Francisco, California.
Genetic Algorithm - Maze Solver
Has a Java applet that helps the reader visualize the inner workings of the genetic algorithm.
Genetic Algorithm Experiment
This Java applet demonstrates a continuous value genetic algorithm on a variety of problem spaces with a variety of reproduction methods.
Genetic Algorithms Archive
Archives of GA-List, the genetic algorithms mailing list. Hosted at the Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence.
Genetic Algorithms for Squeak
This GA framework in Squeak implements the operation of selection, mutation and crossing-over with visualization features.
Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox
GEATbx is a comprehensive implementation of evolutionary algorithms in Matlab. A broad range of operators is fully integrated into one environment.
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