Piraeus University - Decision Support Systems Lab
Research, publications, and courses on intelligent decision support systems.
PRECARN - Intelligent Systems Innovation for Industrial Competitiveness
Industry-led consortium performing industrially-relevant, market-oriented collaborative research and development in intelligent systems.
Purdue University - Applied Intelligent Systems Laboratory
Research in the area of neurofuzzy and other artificial intelligence techniques applied to engineering. List of projects and people.
Simon Frasier University - Intelligent Systems Lab
Research, publications, and projects related to artificial intelligence applications.
Staffordshire University - AI Research
Research on Artificial Intelligence, Information Systems, Cognitive Science, Natural Language Processing, Bayesian and Neural Networks, and Agents.
Stanford University - Formal Reasoning Group
Research on reasoning, including default and nonmonotonic reasoning.
Stanford University - Knowledge Systems Laboratory
Research, projects, and publications related to knowledge-based systems, ontologies, and related topics.
Stanford University: The Stanford Logic Group
Information about current research and publications related to logical approaches to knowledge representation and inference in artificial intelligence.
SUNY Buffalo - SNePS Research Group
Semantic networks research in knowledge representation, linguistics, and cognitive modeling.
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Research in constraint satisfaction, model-based reasoning, case-based reasoning, intelligent agents, and natural language processing.
Univ. of Alberta Artificial Intelligence Research Group
Research topics: search, representation and reasoning, learning, cognitive agents.
Univ. of Toronto AI Research Group
The Artificial Intelligence group works in the primary subareas of the field -- computational linguistics, knowledge representation and reasoning, and computer vision -- and also in additional subareas such as intelligent information systems and neural networks.
Univ. of Waterloo Logic Programming and AI Group
Research in natural language processing, knowledge representation, machine translation, probabilistic reasoning, and planning.
University of Alberta - AI Research Group
Research and courses on vision, cognitive agents, learning, natural language, games, constraints, and representation and reasoning.
University of Alberta - Biological Computation Project
Research on artificial neural networks, and cognitive science.
University of Barcelona - Artificial Intelligence Research Institute
Information on research in Learning Systems, Intelligent Agents, Logical Reasoning and Search, Electronic Markets, Autonomous Robots, and AI applications in Music.
University of Calgary - Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory
Research on evolutionary computing, knowledge-based search, multi-agent systems, and emergent computing.
University of California at Berkeley - Intelligent Systems Group
AI group at the University of California-Berkeley which focuses on an integrated interdisciplinary approach to intelligent systems.
University of California at San Diego - Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Research and courses in artificial intelligence, machine learning, information retrieval, and related areas.
University of Dortmund - Artificial Intelligence Group
Information on research areas, software available, and industrial partners.
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