5th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments. Baltimore, Maryland, USA; 11 January 2003.
Worskhop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments. Held in conjunction with ANALCO04 and SODA04. New Orleans, LA, USA; 10 January 2004.
2nd Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments. San Francisco, CA, USA; 7--8 January 2000.
3rd Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments. Wyndham City Center Hotel, Washington, DC, USA; 5--6 January 2001.
4th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments. San Francisco, CA, USA; 4--5 January 2002.
Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experimentation. Omni Hotel, Baltimore, MD, USA; 15--16 January 1999.
ALGO 2002
A multi-conference comprising ESA02, WAE02, APPROX02, WABI02 and ARACNE02. Rome, Italy; 16--21 September 2002.
ALGO 2003
Comprising: ESA 2003 (11th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms); WABI 2003 (3rd Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics); ATMOS 2003 (Algorithmic Methods and Models for Optimization of Railways); WAOA 2003 (Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms). Budapest, Hungary; 15--20 September 2003.
ALGO 2004 Symposium and Workshops
Includes ESA 2004; WABI 2004; WAOA 2004; IWPEC 2004; ATMOS 2004. Bergen, Norway; 14--17 September 2004.
Algorithms for Hard Problems
Bildungszentrum Matt, Schwarzenberg, Switzerland; 23--27 September 2002.
ALICE 2003
1st Workshop on Algorithms for Listing, Counting, and Enumeration. To run concurrently with ALENEX03 and co-located with SODA03. Baltimore, Maryland, USA; 11 January 2003.
International Conference on Algorithmic Mathematics and Computer Science. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA; 27--30 June 2005.
The First Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics. Held in conjunction with ALENEX04 and SODA04. New Orleans, LA, USA; 10 January 2004.
Analysis of Algorithms Seminar
Krynica Morska, near Gdansk, Poland; 3--7 July 2000. Abstracts, photographs.
Anogia Algorithmica '05
First workshop on open problems in algorithmics. Anogia Academic Village, Crete, Greece; 30 May -- 3 June 2005.
A workshop on approximation algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems focussing on algorithmic and complexity aspects arising in the development of efficient approximate solutions to computationally difficult problems. It aims, in particular, at fostering the cooperation among algorithmic and complexity researchers of the field. Part of ALGO 2002 in conjunction with ESA'2002 and WABI 2002. Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza", Roma, Italy; 17--21 September 2002.
Approximation and Randomized Algorithms
4th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (APPROX 2001) and 5th International Workshop on Randomization and Approximation Techniques in Computer Science (RANDOM 2001). Berkeley, California; August 18-20, 2001.
AWOCA 2004
15th Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms. Ballina Beach Resort, New South Wales, Australia; 7--9 July 2004.
Complexity and Probability
A workshop and concentrated research course. Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden; 15--19 April 2002.
Computation, Combinatorics and Probability
Research programme at the Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge UK. Themes include: Randomised algorithms; "Phase transitions" in statistical physics and computer science; Random graphs and structures. August -- December 2002.
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