ZDNet Australia: Aussie spammer sues anti-spammer in world-first case
An alleged Australian spammer is suing an anti-spam advocate after being blacklisted by a spam prevention Web site, in what is believed to be a first of its kind case worldwide and one that could end up "bigger than Ben Hur", according to a source close to the proceedings. (May 30, 2002)
BBC News: New York takes on 'spam' e-mail
Fresh from his victory over Merrill Lynch, state attorney general Elliot Spitzer sues MonsterHut.com for sending millions of 'spam' e-mail adverts. (May 29, 2002)
Telepolis: European Parliament to come to crucial vote on spam
"Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs" asks European Parliament to force the floodgates wide open for spam. (May 25, 2002)
CNET.com: Congress, critics wrinkle noses at spam bills
Spam may be an unwanted staple in your in-box, but don't expect lawmakers to serve up new regulations anytime soon. (May 21, 2002)
BBC News: Getting Tough On Spam
Unsolicited e-mail is becoming a problem for users and internet service providers. (May 11, 2002)
Wired: Amy Grant Spams a Sour Note
Jesus preached the gospel of turning the other cheek, but what would he have said about spam? (May 10, 2002)
donga.com: Compulsory Notice of `Adult Advertisement` for Sexual Spam Mails
The advertising mails containing bad things for juveniles like sexual and violent contents should attach the notice of `Ads for Adults` to the title from July. (May 8, 2002)
donga.com: 4 Million Won Penalty to 5 Companies Distributed `Spam mails` Indiscrimately.
5 companies including adult broadcasting companies and shopping malls that have sent `Spam mails` ignoring the rejection of the receivers were imposed to correctional fines. (April 30, 2002)
Washington Post: E-Mail Opens New Door For Familiar Scam Tactic
The get-rich-quick con, dubbed the "Nigerian Letter Scam" by authorities, was operated out of Toronto and Nigeria from 1994 to 2000 and swindled more than 300 people, including about 20 in the Washington area, out of approximately $20 million, according to law enforcement officials. (April 29, 2002)
donga.com: Spam Mail with False Title to be Punished
The person who sends e-mails without an indication of advertisement or containing false exaggerated ads will be punished of suspension of business license or criminal punishment from May. (April 24, 2002)
BBC News: Nigeria grapples with e-mail scams
The Nigerian authorities declare war on the growing of number of fraudsters who use cyber cafes to send out phoney e-mails. (April 23, 2002)
Mercury News: E-mail Users Plagued by a Rising Tide of Junk as Senders Grow Bolder
Susan Guberman-Garcia dreads retrieving her e-mail. Every day, she wades through unsolicited messages pitching online gambling, get-rich schemes and sex sites. (April 21, 2002)
Mercury News: Good laws would limit junk, yet protect free speech
Spam, the junk e-mails pitching herbal Viagra, mortgage re-financing, pornography and countless other products and services, is flooding the mailboxes of millions of Internet users. Studies suggest the volume of spam has grown fivefold in the last year alone. Spam is more than an annoyance; it costs millions to users, businesses and Internet service providers. Unless stopped, the utility of e-mail itself could be threatened. (April 21, 2002)
Mercury News: The ethics of spam: `There's lots of money in it'
A profilic spammer tells why he does it. (April 20, 2002)
Mercury News: Weak anti-spam laws make fighting back hard
Everyone says they're getting more spam. But weak anti-spam laws and determined e-mailers make it hard to fight back on legal grounds. (April 20, 2002)
Christian Science Monitor: War on e-mail spam ratchets up in courts, legislatures | csmonitor.com
A lawsuit against spam on the Internet is part of a larger effort to control the proliferation of unsolicited e-mail. (April 18, 2002)
BBC News: Using the net to catch junk mail
A Napster-like network might be able to stem the tide of spam mail messages flooding the internet. (April 10, 2002)
BBC News: Why one spam could cost $50
A US law firm has become the hero of the common people for its decision to take on the spam merchants who wage guerrilla warfare on our e-mail inboxes, offering everything from sex to cars and easy money to psychic readings. (April 9, 2002)
The Industry Standard: AOL says lawsuit closes a spammer's loophole
The settlement that America Online extracted from a pair of Florida men last week may have closed a loophole used by spammers to flood e-mail in-boxes with junk mail. (April 8, 2002)
The Age: The dangers of spam SMS
You can get paid to receive ads on your mobile, but it might burst the spam dam, writes Nicole Manktelow. (April 5, 2002)
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